Coach Adam Has No Trouble Keeping Busy During Quarantine
Adam is an avid disc golfer.
What have you been doing to keep from getting bored during quarantine?
I have been getting outside as much as possible to stay busy. I play disc golf, hike, and fish and have been able to get out just about every day besides the rainy days.
Adam’s sister Larissa is a pretty good match for him!
What have you been doing for self care during quarantine?
I haven't really changed anything for self care since the quarantine has started!
What expectations of “normal” have you been letting go?
Thankfully since I can still hike, fish, disc golf, and workout, I haven't had to get rid of much in terms of norms. There's the obvious ones like going to bars and restaurants, but for me that's about it.
Adam is an outdoor sports enthusiast.
Omelettes are a great go to meal. They are quick and easy and a great source of protein.
What new habits have you started in the last month and what is your favorite quarantine meal
My new habit and meal can be answered together. I've started making omelettes almost every day and they have quickly become my favorite thing to make.
What have you been watching on Netflix or other streaming these days?
Adam enjoys puzzles
I haven't been watching much as far as shows on netflix or hulu, but I have been watching a fair amount of movies. I don't like being inside so I've been getting out off the couch as much as possible.
What do you feel most grateful during quarantine?
I'm most grateful for the health of all my family and friends. I don't personally know anyone that has the virus and I hope it can stay that way.
Adam and his family are hardcore Eagles fans!
Schneck Family Time
What is the one thing you want to do once social distancing is over?
I'm looking forward to getting back to work and seeing my clients and coworkers. I am also looking forward to getting back to working out at a gym again.
Adam Fumanchu
We’re certainly looking forward to getting back into BE and having group classes, personal training and nutrition guidance with Adam. Until we are back in BE, enjoy this time with your families, and stay well!
BE Business Manager, Judy Hoch
Judy is the Business Manager at Body Elite. She has been a dedicated client of Body Elite since March 12, 2015. She studied Criminal Justice in college and has a background in customer service. In addition to Body Elite, she oversees the business end of her husband’s contracting business and runs a preschool. In her spare time, Judy has stayed active with volunteer work and community service. She has 6 children, and 4 grandchildren.