Developing Mental Toughness and A Work Ethic
Each generation seems to complain about the upcoming generations. One of the most common complaints from generation to generation is that the younger generation has no work ethic and is mentally weak.
Millennials seem to be an easy target for the older generations. Whether it's their fashion, political views, or work ethic, everything a millennial thinks the older generations seem to think the opposite. Most notably toughness and work ethic seems to come into question. Talking to these older generations they say millennials never had to go through any adversity. Everything was given to them on a silver platter. They are a product of the "everybody gets a trophy" generation. Whether you believe this to be true or not this is the opinion of many.
When I hear these complaints I like to think how can I relate this back to health and fitness. Just like these older generations complain about the millennials having everything handed to them on the silver platter same could be said for ANY AND EVERY age group in the fitness community. Quick fix programs, quick fix dietary supplements, and medical surgeries . . . everything is given and nothing is earned anymore... or ever!
The fact of this is that few truly know how to become healthy for the long term. It's harder to keep their health and the value of actually putting in the time (years) to get and keep the results they want is totally lost.
There is no quick fix to regain your health and fitness, there is no quick fix to trick your mind to be tougher, and no quick fix for your work ethic to become stronger.
However, there is a simple method to start developing mental toughness and a work ethic. Try something totally new for 1 whole year. When doing the same old routine or picking up an old exercise routine you did years ago you remain in the comfort zone. You never truly challenge yourself the way you could. You may regain some health and some sort of a fitness level, but chances are you'll probably just fall off like you previously did.
I see examples of this all the time. You probably have friends who post their new found healthy hobby to social media.
Trying something new almost guarantees failures along the way. There is a learning curve. This is why it's such a great way to build a work ethic and mental toughness. You're forced to push through or just simply become better and more efficient at the task.
Here are a few of my rules:
Commit to a minimum of 6 months to this new challenge or goal
Make It Feasible- if you say you're gong to pick up skiing to get in shape make sure you live near a mountain
Pick Something New- If you are just getting back into health and fitness pick a new modality you never done before. Never weight trained? Pick that! Never jogged a day in your life? Do that!
If you have been exercising, but seemed to hit a wall try a new version. Meaning if you exercise more so like a bodybuider try powerlifting or olympic lifting. If you just run 5k's make the jump to 10k's or even pick up cycling. Change it up!Know Your Fitness Level - too many times people think they are starting off further along than they really are. Then they wonder why they can't commit to 6 months and or they simply get injured.
Minimum of 3 days a week- Don’t fool yourself. Yes it’s true you don’t need to workout for hours a day, but you do still need to put in some exercise volume.
Stay committed no matter what- There will be plenty of failures along the way. Embrace them and change your perspective on failure. Rather than becoming demoralized by it, view it as a learning lesson and as something that will make you better.
Commit to something new this week and build some mental toughness and a work ethic.
Like, Share, and have a great week,
Mark Radio
Mark Radio is the General Manager of Body Elite. He graduated from Bloomsburg University in 2008 with a bachelors degree in Exercise Science. He is a certified nutritional counselor through AFPA. Mark enjoys working with all types of clients from any skill level. Mark tailors programs to your skill level and goals, putting an emphasis on strength training, high intensity cardio, and eating “real” food to get BE clients to where they want to be.