Gone are the days of performing one set of an exercise, resting for two minutes, and repeating for 3 sets. One metric BE has always used to measured our members fitness level is to measure the total work done in the 30 or 60 minute session. The technical term is referred as Density Training.
BE still uses some of the typical metrics such as increase in resistance used and heart rate, but measuring the “density”, the amount of work being performed per unit of time is one of our main metrics we use.
With our strength training, we increase the density by gradually reducing the amount of rest between sets. We can simply look back at the exercise log and calculate total sets and exercises performed.
A basic example would be to work each muscle group (9 to 12 total sets) and use very short rest intervals (15 to 45 seconds). Our favorite is to work antagonist supersets with little to no break between. An example would be a chest press immediately followed by a lat row. Or a bicep cable curl immediately followed by a cable tricep pushdown.
This style of training stimulates the release of growth hormone that burns more fat. Growth hormone mobilizes fatty acids. By increasing its release, you will burn more fat throughout your workout.
This training style is ideal for our members trying to lose fat and who are endomorphs who aren’t the most efficient at mobilizing fatty acids. For members with more of a strength based or muscle building focus we will utilize other styles.
To Your Health,
Mark Radio
Mark Radio - BA in Exercise Science, certified personal trainer, and certified nutritional counselor. Mark’s ability to connect, motivate, and educate has made him one of the most sought after health and fitness professionals in the industry.