Working Out At Home When You Can't Get To The Gym
What can you do when you can’t get to the gym? Missing your workouts can make you feel sluggish and derail your progress. No need to worry. Just do your best to maintain a routine so that you can keep on track. Instead of skipping your workout for the day, you could use your body weight to give you a good work out.
Photo Credit: Sam Owoyemi
Body weight exercises can give you a great workout and can be done without any gym equipment. Your workout can include squat variations, lunge variations, and plank variations. You could add mountain climbers, push-ups, calf raises, burpees, high knees, and so many more. Be sure to add some abdominal and cardio circuits and stretching too. The point is, the combinations are endless when you create your own circuits. You just have to keep motivated and keep moving. Get into a routine and stick to it until you can get back into the gym.
Body Elite Business Manager, Judy Hoch
Judy is the Business Manager at Body Elite. She has been a dedicated client of Body Elite since March 12, 2015. She studied Criminal Justice in college and has a background in customer service. In addition to Body Elite, she oversees the business end of her husband’s contracting business and runs a preschool. In her spare time, Judy has stayed active with volunteer work and community service. She has 6 children, and 4 grandchildren.