Tired of Wall Crawls?
Wall crawls are the typical physical therapy exercise to help shoulder overhead range of motion. It’s the one exercise that is usually prescribed for in home use. It' serves the purpose, but, what’s the next progression? Insert the prone foam roller roll-out ‘I’ This movement is great for stretching out the lat and in turn strengthening the mid to lower trapezius. Make sure to keep postural integrity when performing. I like to perform one arm at a time to help keep focus on form and to fix imbalances. If you do experience pain, grinding or popping that can’t be corrected with form and technique stop the movement immediately.
Talk to our local health professional to see if you can incorporate this movement into your routine.
Mark Radio
BA in Exercise Science, certified personal trainer, and certified nutritional counselor. Mark’s ability to connect, motivate, and educate has made him one of the most sought after health and fitness professionals in the industry.