Get More Life Out of Life
Photo Credit: Jenny Hill
Your health can be predisposed by your genetics, but make no mistake that the lifestyle choices you make play a big part in how much life you will get out of life. You can’t choose your genetics, but you can choose how you live your life, and whether or not you make healthy lifestyle choices. Eating poorly and living a sedentary life without exercise or physical activity contribute to a decline in your health.
Obesity can raise the risk of diabetes, stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and certain cancers. Exercise and increased activity can lower your risk. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and keeping active can help people lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.
The lifestyle choices that you make and how you live your life can determine how much life you get out of life.
Body Elite Business Manager, Judy Hoch
Judy is the Business Manager at Body Elite. She has been a dedicated client of Body Elite since March 12, 2015. She studied Criminal Justice in college and has a background in customer service. In addition to Body Elite, she oversees the business end of her husband’s contracting business and runs a preschool. In her spare time, Judy has stayed active with volunteer work and community service. She has 6 children, and 4 grandchildren.